How to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity

How to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity
Bright Smile

Do you ever struggle with sensitivity when your teeth are exposed to hot or cold temperatures? Sensitive teeth can be frustrating, but luckily, it’s something that can be resolved. Here’s what you need to do to correct and prevent tooth sensitivity!

Brush Your Teeth Properly

Brushing your teeth properly is a great way to prevent tooth sensitivity from occurring. There are three main components to brushing sensitive teeth:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Brushing will gently scrub away food and bacteria to prevent gum disease, tooth decay, and more. 
  • Use a fluoride toothpaste made for sensitive teeth. Fluoride is great for preserving tooth enamel and keeping your teeth strong and healthy. Desensitizing toothpastes have ingredients that will help combat sensitivity.
  • Use the correct brushing technique. When you brush your teeth, your brush strokes should be soft and gentle. Brush all parts of your teeth, including your gums and the front, bottom, and back of your teeth. 

Avoid Grinding Your Teeth

Grinding your teeth can break down your teeth’s protective enamel over time. Even worse, it could cause cracks to appear. When cracks form or this barrier is broken down, your teeth can become sensitive and painful. 

To avoid tooth sensitivity from grinding your teeth, it’s important to talk about this issue with your dentist. They can recommend options and provide you with a night guard if necessary.  

Floss Daily

You should be flossing at least once a day to prevent tooth sensitivity. When you don’t floss properly, a buildup of plaque could cause your gums to recede, exposing the part of your teeth that doesn’t have a protective layer of enamel. Flossing prevents this buildup of plaque, helping to halt gum recession and sensitivity at the gumline. 

Limit Certain Foods and Drinks 

Certain foods and drinks can cause tooth sensitivity or pain. Acidic, carbonated, and sugary food and drinks can be bad for your teeth because they break down your tooth enamel. Without the necessary tooth enamel, tooth sensitivity can occur. Keep acidic, carbonated, and sugary foods and beverages to a minimum if you already have tooth sensitivity. 

Visit Your Dentist

Regularly seeing your dentist is important to avoid any issues that may cause sensitive teeth. Your dentist can suggest ways to keep your teeth clean and healthy. They can even prescribe you toothpaste or mouthwashes to help prevent the development of tooth sensitivity. Catching and treating dental issues early can prevent tooth sensitivity from occurring at all!

You can also visit your dentist if you have tooth sensitivity and are looking for oral hygiene tips or treatment. Your dentist may recommend:

  • Desensitizing toothpaste and/or mouthwash
  • A fluoride treatment
  • Fillings or a root canal in case of decay

Get a Healthy Mouth at the Dental Center of Redondo Beach

Tooth sensitivity is a common issue, but it’s one that is important to address. Luckily, the Dental Center of Redondo Beach knows how to prevent and treat tooth sensitivity. Schedule an appointment today for a happy, healthy smile!

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